Sunday, August 17, 2008
11:00 PM
Yesterday was a tiring day. Today was much worse. Worked as helpers for my brother's fren's brother's wedding. Haha. Me, my brother and 3 of his frens were the ones to clean the dishes after the guests finish eating.On Saturday, we helped clean the plates, cups and all first. That was about 11 in the morning. At about 1, the guests started to arrive. But not a lot of people la. Little-little only. That's why Saturday like not a lot of work. We slacked most of the time, talking and joking near the sink. We cleaned the dishes from time to time. At about midnight or so, me, my brother and his frens, Hakim and Hazwan, went to Sri Sun to go drink and chat. Syafiq and Arif went to Syafiq's house. So we got to Sri Sun, ordered our drinks, talked for a while then we went back to Blk 899, the place where the wedding is held. I was the first one to sleep as I was very tired and it was about 2+ already.I woke up at about 6.45 because of one aunty. Early in the morning, talk so loud already. I was like, what the hell. I went back to sleep and woke up again at 8. Went to Syafiq's house to shower and we reached Blk 899 at about 10. Had our lunch at 12. That was our only break for the day. After 1, we worked non-stop. The dishes keep coming even before we were finished with the last batch. My back was killing me because of all the bending I had to do to wash the dishes. Worked and worked until about 7+. By then, most of the dishes were done. Cleaned some of the tools that were used for cooking for a lil bit before we stopped. After that, we talked for a while, waiting for our pay. We were promised $120 but we only got $80. Ok la. At least we still got our pay.Feeling very tired now. My back and legs are killing me from all the standing and bending. Gotta go sleep now. Hope that everything's gonna be alright by tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
11:33 PM
Had school as per normal today. Finished class at 12. Rasyidi and I went to ITAS for lunch. Eat until about 1 then we went to the SPORTS COMPLEX to play squash. Played for a while before Irsyad joined us. Soon after, Zamir and Amirah joined. Played until 3+ then went to play tennis. The weather outside was HOT at first but we just decided to go ahead and play. Edmund and Derek joined us. Bla bla bla bla bla. Ka Ming and Winston joined after some time. We played until 5+ going to 6 then we decided to stop.Irsyad went home first. Me and Rasyidi went to the changing room to wash up. Then I got a message from Haziqah. She asked me to accompany her to TM because she wanted to buy a notebook. After we got out of school, we meet her at a bus stop, somewhere near our school. Took 291 to the interchange and went to TM. Tried to find her notebook but no luck. No luck at Century Square too.Decided to go home after that because we couldn't find the notebook that she wanted. Haziqah took 27, Rasyidi took 67 and I took 21. Got home, took my shower, watched the Olympics and here I am now. Feeling rather tired now. I guess I'm gonna go sleep already. Will update again some other time.Till then... =)
Monday, August 11, 2008
9:25 PM
Nowadays, everybody seems to be busy. It's useless even if I sacrifice my time to hang out or do something with them. From now on, I'm gonna think about myself first. If they don't care much bout me, why shud i care bout them right? It's not like I can't make new friends.Rasyidi's the one who's always with me cause both of us are in the same course, same class. Nowadays, we've been going home straight because everybody's busy. We've not been jamming for quite sometime already. Syafiq's been wanting to go jam too. I guess we all need to find new people to go jam with.Exams are around the corner. Next week is already study week. I'm gonna go all out. Mayb me and Rasyidi are gonna find some people to study with. Maybe I'll ask Haziqah aka HAZIQQIE. Dunnoe la eh. I hope that I'll be able to pass my exams this semester. I dun wanna repeat any subjects. After the exams, I'm so gonna enjoy the holidays even tho' it's the fasting month.Mayb I'm gonna work this weekend with my bro and his frens. Not pretty sure if I can get the job. Can earn extra money. It's not like I have anything important on. It's better for me to go earn some extra money rather than sit at home, waiting for someone to come up with a plan. If all of you can work, so can I. If all of you dun give a f***, why shud I?
Friday, August 8, 2008
11:34 PM
Wahhh... Very tired leh... Just now go play soccer. But soccer wasn't the thing that made me tired. It was my younger brother's bike. I decided to ride the bike to the street soccer so I can save money on transport. Now I know that it's the wrong choice. Pain in the ass. The seat was loose and I had to spend most of the time standing up.I played only one match. Aiya... My touches... Dunnoe what to say la. Haiiizzz... School today was ok. Had MATHS and DFUND tutorials and MATHS lecture. Then after that go mosque for Friday prayers. After Friday prayers, go sit at the taxi stand outside TM. The others were talking bout plans for tomorrow and today so I decided to sit.Now, I still dunnoe what tomorrow's plan is. I really dun wanna waste my money going out when I dunnoe where they are planning to go. So I'm still reconsidering if I wanna go out on the outing or not. Maybe I'm going to play soccer with my bro and his frens tomorrow. Not pretty sure tho'.Eh, tired seh. Chatting with Haziqah aka HAZIQQIE now. See what she wrote... Hahahaha...[c=#FB3772][b]-HAZIQQIE -[/b][/c] says:
bt salihin still da best ok!Yes. Thank you. Haha... Ok. I've run out of things to write for today. Hope my day tomorrow is alright... And before I forget.Happy 43rd Birthday SINGAPORE!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! =)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
9:30 PM
Ok. Before I start to write anything bout my day, I'm gonna write 10 random facts bout myself.1. Enjoys playing sports.
2. Very hard to lose weight.
3. Easy to gain weight.
4. Music-addict. Gotta have music man...
5. I like to be by myself sometimes.
6. Hates to do presentations.
7. 2nd of 4 children.
8. Needs to go online everyday.
9. Video games are essential.
10. I HATE to waste TIME.
Since that is done...
Wahhh... I did my WRTORAL presentation today. Got a C+. So sad but nevermind la. After WRTORAL, got CKT and DFUND lecture. DFUND was first and we learned how to add, subtract, multiply and divide the numbers. The 1's compliment and the 2's compliment. I don't even noe if what I'm saying is right. Hahaha. CKT lecture very fast finish. Only took bout 30 mins. Learn about the transformer. Blablabla. The EFFCOM test just now... Aiyaaa... I think I'm gonna fail. She read the passage so fast. You think I can catch things very fast ah?? Bullet train... Went home straight after school because nobody had plans.
I dunnoe why but I seem to feel tired these few days. Like right now. Like want to sleep but got a lot of things to do. How to sleep?? Must study for MATHS quiz summore. Aiyaaa... Leceh la...
Pictures that were taken today:

Sunday, August 3, 2008
11:40 PM
Eh, I just realised that I haven't 'visit' my blog for 2 days already. I guess I must have been busy.Had a match yesterday. Won 4-2. But I didn't score. I was like a dummy but who cares. Faidzal almost got into a fight with this guy from the other team. But in the end, everything ok la. After the match, went to Restu restaurant to eat. I ordered Hor fun. Wah... getting tired of eating hor fun already la.The others planned to lepak after eating and they decided to go to Pasir Ris Park. Faisal, Izza, Izham, Rifaie, Edmund and Irsyad went home. So those that were left were me, Rasyidi, Faidzal, Kelvin, Syafiq, Fazel and Fauzul. Took 17 to Downtown East there then waited for Arif and Azfar near Escape's entrance.Lepak around Pasir Ris Park, listen to Fauzul's lame jokes. Hahaha. Around 11 like that, me, Rasyidi, Kelvin and Faidzal went off. Walk around E!Hub for a while then took 12 home. That's about it for yesterday.Nothing much to say bout today. Watch tv, do WRTORAL, play PS3. That's all. Still doing powerpoint slides for WRTORAL now. I hope I get a good grade. =)Pictures that were taken yesterday: